" Talent! A conscious aspect of human uniqueness”
" Talent! The measure of human performance and dogged commitment”
" Talent! The index of differentiation, the precursor for originality”
" Talent! The voice of the creator in man, the height of unconscious consciousness”
I wonder why a 4year old boy will naturally draw an object while another 4year old boy in the same environment and probably the same building in inclined to building of toys, houses and motors.
William Gate (iii) at the age of 6 had been thinking without anyone’s involvement
Tiger Wood, Andre Agassi and Serena Williams all started what the world knows then for at age 2.
Talent is unconscious! It is what you do perfectly with minimum practice.
Your talent is what you are naturally inclined towards.
It is your vivid consciousness of an activity by an unconscious desire
What will make a man climb a mountain without regards for accident of high fall?
What made a living soul chose to become a wildlife photographer, turning passion to profession?
What turned human being to a screen addict that loves computer screen than food?
Talent is the common denominator for all the great success achieved in all field of the earth.
The parable of the talent in the good book taught me some lessons about talent, assignment, purpose, and seasons.
Achievement and fulfillment is not in quantity; it is in portion.
To every man there is at least one talent
Men that were endowed with multiple talent were given based on their abilities
Their multiple talents were to accomplish different assignment for different seasons.
It is our sole responsibilities to refine, reuse, and reproduce our talent
Our discretion and choice is essential in the use of talent. If you can, you are right. If you cannot, you are also right.
Talent unused is an act of wickedness to our creator
There is a set time for performance and reproduction of talent after which we will give account.
The talent unused will be taken and given to effective user of his.
Whosoever is faithful in little, much will be committed to his hands. It is from people that have-not that we will take to give people that have.
What do you do now that only you can do well amidst your peers?
What do people appreciate you for when you do it?
What do you lose track of time doing?
What materials, resources, and activities interest you so much that you can spend your last currency on?
Interest is an indication of intent
In the last 15 years, what have you displayed and people applauded you greatly after performance?
Your talent is never enough. I urge you to refine it, reproduce it and let people praise God for creating you.
Your Talent is latent until you unveil it like garment and it will become your patent that you may be rewarded on the day of Judgment.